In Abundance, I wrote that 3 Billion new minds are “coming on-line” in the next six years.
We’re going from 1.8 Billion (in 2010) to at least 5 Billion on-line by 2020.
If my friends at Google and Facebook fulfill their vision, as many as seven billion people on Earth will have 1 Mb/sec connections by 2020.
Smartphones are democratizing access to the Internet.
And the implications of this are staggering.
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Mobile is eating the world
A few months ago, Benedict Evans of Andreesen-Horowitz released an excellent presentation called “Mobile is eating the world.”
I’ve taken the liberty to reproduce a few of his charts (below) to discuss what they mean.
These days, as Evans says, “Everyone gets a pocket supercomputer”.
There are two important things about this statement…
First, today’s smartphones truly are “super computers”
During the iPhone-6 launch weekend, Apple sold 25-times more CPU transistors (in one weekend) than were in all the PCs on Earth in 1995.
As I wrote in Abundance, the smartphone you have in your hand or in your pocket gives you access to more information than President Clinton had access to while he was in office.
In 1992, you could expect to pay $222 for a computer with 1 million transistors. Today, 1 million transistors cost a measly 6 cents.
Figure Above Shows Computing Cost-Performance (1992 – 2012)
Second, everyone is getting Connected
The unconnected world is shrinking.
The graph below shows how the percent of unconnected adults globally has been decreasing rapidly (from 100% to 27%) and will continue to do so as the cost of smart phones plummets.
Figure Above Shows how the unconnected are shrinking (1995 – 2017)
In the next five years, 80% of the adults on Earth will have a smartphone.
Figure above shows 80% of the world will have smartphones by 2020
Smartphones (which are cheaper and more powerful than ever) enable more and more people to connect to the Internet.
And by “more and more,” I mean billions of people in the next five years.
The Rising Billion
In Abundance, I call the billions who are getting access to mobile and smartphones “The Rising Billion.”
As 3 to 5 billion new minds (this next decade) connect to the Internet, how will this change the world?
What will these billions of people purchase? What will they desire?
What will they invent? What challenges will they solve?
Very significantly, these billions now have access to infinite computing (on the cloud), the world’s information (on Google), cloud printing (thru 3D printing), artificial intelligence and even synthetic biology. With access to this technology these new connected-segment of humanity also represent the greatest era of innovation ever.
These rising billions also represent tens-of-trillions of dollars entering the global economy. If they are not your customers, they are your customer’s customers. How will your business capitalize on this opportunity?
This email is a briefing of the week's most compelling, abundance-enabling tech developments, curated by Marissa Brassfield in preparation for Abundance 360. Read more about A360 below.
At Abundance 360, Peter's 360-person executive mastermind, we teach the metatrends, implications and unfair advantages for entrepreneurs enabled by breakthroughs like those featured above. We're looking for CEOs and entrepreneurs who want to change the world. The program is highly selective. Apply now for Abundance360 Summit if you'd like to develop an Abundance Mindset.
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