Peter H. Diamandis BLOG - Upgrade Your Mindset.

What’s the Ideal Morning Routine for Longevity? Here’s Mine...

Written by Peter H. Diamandis | Jun 27, 2024

“Win the morning to win the day.”

In my 20’s and 30’s I never thought about “morning routines”... Now I think it’s one of the most important things I do.

In case you have ever wondered (or cared) what I do in my mornings, this lays it out.


Waking Up: 6:00am – 6:30am

Starting my morning right at 6am, begins with my 9:30pm bedtime the night before. Getting 8 hours of sleep is a priority for me.

Here’s what I do as soon as I wake up:

  • Check My Oura Score: The Oura Ring helps me measure and gamify my sleep. It gives you a daily “Sleep Score” – my goal is 90 or more... it’s motivation for getting to bed by 9:30pm.

  • Oral Routine: I’m focusing on oral healthcare more than ever—it drives brain health, cardiac health, and microbiome health.

    • Proclaim Custom-Jet Oral Health System: I use an amazing 3D printed mouthpiece called Proclaim that shoots individual jets of water (like a Waterpik) between all my teeth. Takes 15 seconds. Powerful & fast!

    • Hydrosonic Electric toothbrush (by Curaprox) and On Guard toothpaste (3 minutes).

    • Dental Herb Tooth & Gums Tonic mouthwash

  • Skin Routine: I use OneSkin’s OS-O1 face cream every day (and their body lotion) to kill senescent skin cells and reverse skin aging.

  • Take 100mg of Modafinil (a Nootrophic) + Morning Supplements/Meds: Most mornings I use a nootropic (“cognitive enhancer”) called Modafinil to focus my mind, alongside my other supplements. In total, I take over 75 supplements each day, which I won’t detail in this blog. I mention the Modafinil only because I was recently asked about it and discussed it on my Moonshots podcast.

  • A Cup of Coffee: I limit myself to a single cup of caffeinated coffee. Any other coffee I might have during the day is decaffeinated.

My First 30 Minutes: ~6:30am – 7:00am

With my wakeup routine done, here’s what I do next:

  • Red Light Therapy (Body, Scalp & Mouth): I take in 20 minutes of redlight simultaneously from 3 devices:

    • (1) I use a PlatinumLED BIOMAX 900 redlight panel for my body (reducing inflammation, promoting healthy skin).

    • (2) Kiierr Laser Hair Growth Cap to stimulate hair growth.

    • (3) A Guardian+ BioLight mouthpiece to kill harmful bacteria in my mouth and support gum health.

  • Vagus Nerve Stimulation: During my red light session, I put a Pulsetto “vagus nerve stimulator” around my neck. It’s used to activate the vagus nerve with benefits like increasing your heart-rate variability (HRV), lowering blood pressure and stress, reducing inflammation, and improving mood.

  • Meditation: I try to do a brief 20 minute meditation every morning and typically using the Muse app, which has some great meditations as well as a brainwave monitoring device (which I cannot use at the same time as my Pulsetto).

My Next 30 Minutes: ~7:00am – 7:30am

  • Hot Mug of Nutri11: I use this protein drink as my coffee replacement each morning. With zero sugar and 11 grams of protein, I LOVE the taste (sweetened by monk fruit).

  • Prioritize My Day: One of the most important things I do when I first sit down at my desk is look at my schedule for the day and make a laundry list of everything I’m thinking of doing that day. Next, I prioritize my top 5 items. Mental note: “If I do these, then today is huge win!” Everything else is a bonus.

  • Process My Email: Next, I’ll review the emails that came in overnight. Touching each email once... delete, forward, and/or answer them accordingly.

  • Protein Shake: Next up is a protein shake (Ka’Chava or whey protein) of about 30 grams, including 5 grams of creatine and a Mitopure supplement. This serves as prep for my workout.

My Next 45 Minutes: ~7:30am – 8:15am

  • Weight Workout: I do a short but intense 30- to 40-minute weight workout targeting both my upper and lower body. My goal is to do this 5 days per week.

My Next 30 – 60 Minutes: ~8:15am – 9am

  • Writing Session: Every morning, I dedicate at least 30 minutes (sometimes an hour or two) to writing my weekly blog that I publish twice per week or a current book project. I love writing. It focuses my mind.

Then I’m ready to jump into the day!

What’s your morning routine?

During my upcoming Longevity Platinum Trip, we’ll be covering “Longevity Basics,” including diet, sleep, fitness and other areas of your life that you can control to extend your healthspan. If you choose to join us, get ready for some life-changing habits!

Best wishes,
