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Bold Thinking For Exponential Organizations

Some Past Clients


Today a company’s success depends on mindset, its use of exponential technologies and the power of crowdsourcing. This keynote, based on Diamandis’ bestselling book BOLD and Exponential Organizations 2.0, Diamandis examines the approaches required to succeed during this exponential age.

Where should a company be looking to grow 10x bigger, rather than 10-percent bigger? What does it take for a company to become an Exponential Organization? How do you become Uber rather than Kodak?

Diamandis explains how a Massively Transformative Purpose (MTP) can drive your organization’s culture and help you attract the best employees. He examines the innovation principles used by GoogleX’, and the power of bold, “moonshot” thinking, and details how entrepreneurial billionaires like Larry Page, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson think -- and their strategies for scale and impact.

Diamandis adds personal stories from his own moonshot companies: XPRIZE, Singularity and Fountain Life.

This keynote will audiences to:

  • Create a culture of innovation, Moonshot thinking, and continuous learning within your organization, driven by a Massively Transformative Purpose (MTP) to inspire and attract the best talent.
  • Identify areas in your company where you can shift from seeking 10% improvements to aiming for 10X growth.
  • Understand the key attributes of an Exponential Organization and evaluate the most important changes required to accelerate your growth.
  • Shift your organization’s mindset from 'linear to exponential' and 'scarcity-minded to abundance-focused,' leveraging digital transformation to meet rapidly changing markets and customer needs.
  • Identify and overcome common barriers to innovation, such as risk aversion and legacy thinking, by implementing strategies for sustained innovation and adaptability.
  • Harness the collective intelligence and skills of a diverse crowd for open innovation and solutions, while ensuring responsible and ethical growth in the face of rapid technological advancement.
  • Emphasize the importance of individual leadership and resilience in driving bold initiatives and navigating the challenges of exponential change.